Picture Day is Tomorrow!

Your student will be bringing home an order form today.  You have two options when ordering pictures.  You can turn in the paper order form OR you can order online.  If you have ordered pictures online in the past you may have already received an email reminder with a link to order.  If not, you can visit:


From there, you will need to enter our school’s Picture Day ID along with your student’s name, as pictured below.

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Also, you can receive 10% off your online order if you use coupon code: 10FORANY.

Smile pretty everyone!

Picture Day



Image: here

Fall picture day will be Tuesday, September 30th.  All students will have their picture made.  Payment envelopes will be sent home on Monday, Sept. 29th if you choose to purchase pictures.

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White Oak ISD is a Title 1 school. We value the bond between parent and school. Because of that collaboration, we want to keep parents informed on the educational front. The Parental Involvement Newsletter for September 2014 is linked HERE. Region 16 is the official site for the parent newsletter and meets Title 1 requirements.

Thank you for your active participation in your child’s education here at White Oak ISD.

Blog credit: Pam Cranford

Early Student Release

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Image: here

REMINDER: Wednesday, September 17th is an early release day for teacher training.  Primary students will release at 11:30 a.m.  Busses will run as usual at this time.

***We are asking that parents not eat lunch at school with their child on the 17th due to a different and shortened lunch schedule.***

Afternoon preK students will meet from 8-11 with the morning class.

Mornings at White Oak Primary



Image: here

BREAKFAST: Breakfast is served from 7:30 – 7:50.  Students arriving after 7:50 cannot be served.

DROP OFF: As part of our ongoing commitment to security, the Primary School doors (located at the drop off location at the north side of the building) will be locked promptly at 8:00.  Should you arrive to drop off your student after 8:00 you will need to use the Intermediate entrance (located at the west side of the building).

REMINDER: Parent Orientation


Image: here

Don’t forget…Parent Orientation for parents of preK-2nd grade students is scheduled for tomorrow night from 6:00 – 7:15 p.m.  We will begin in the elementary cafeteria with a brief introduction to staff and discussion of a few important topics and will then dismiss to the classrooms.

We hope to see you there!