GT Nominations

Screen Shot 2015-02-18 at 11.51.12 AMNominations for Gifted and Talented 1st – 5th grades are now being accepted for the 2015 – 2016 school year.  Forms are available in the Primary and Intermediate offices.  All nominations are due by Friday, March 6, 2015.

Upcoming Events

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*Friday, February 13

Valentine’s parties

(Check with your child’s teacher for party time.)

*Monday, February 16

President’s Day holiday

No school

*Thursday, February 19

Fundraiser information sent home

*Wednesday, February 25

Early student release for teacher training at 11:30

(afternoon PreK will meet with the morning class from 8-11)

Skyping with Santa

White Oak Primary students had fun this morning Skyping with Santa!  Santa was very kind to take time out of his busy schedule to answer all our questions.  Thank you Santa Claus!  Merry Christmas!

The Gift of Reading

Mrs. McFall and her fifth grade students gave our Pre-K students a very special gift this year, the “gift of reading.”  The students worked in groups to make “ABC” books and buy books and pajamas for all of our Pre-K students.  Our students were surprised and excited to receive gifts from their older friends.  Thank you fifth graders!  This is service learning at its best. – Claire Koonce