Updated School Closure

White Oak ISD Community,

Due to the Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, today Governor Greg Abbott announced that all schools in Texas will be closed until midnight on April 3rd, with a tentative reopen date of Monday, April 6 th. Therefore, White Oak ISD will remain closed until that time.

Please note that this is a very fluid situation, and this could be extended depending upon recommendations the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and so-forth. White Oak ISD will continue the distance learning plan developed by campus administration to try and have a continued educational process. Please check campus webpages, Facebook, blogs etc., for any updated information.

Please know that we are looking at every possible ramification that these decisions will have on our students moving forward. We will keep their needs and interests in the forefront of that decision-making process. We apologize for the inconvenience that this may cause and the disruption of routine, but the health and well being of all Roughnecks will always be our guiding

Please continue to check the White Oak ISD website, Facebook pages, blogs and other local news outlets for updates.

Brian Gray-Superintendent of Schools
White Oak ISD
The Home of ROUGHNECK Pride

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